Zen and well-being
An unrivalled highlight awaits you at the Schwarzer Adler: an exclusive wellness area at the heart of the town. A place where you’ll find relaxation in an extraordinary ambience. The spa area features a Finnish sauna, a steam sauna, and a rain experience shower. Tension and stress disappear into thin air. And you settle into a profound feeling of serenity.
Wellness at its finest
Enjoy moments of peace in the cosy relaxation room, where you can unwind and feel yourself refilling with new energy. In the middle of town and yet perfectly private – a dream combination for moments of relaxation.
A spa with a difference
The Finnish sauna is especially extraordinary, as it’s located in a glass cube featuring light effects and surrounded by 7-metre-high walls. An exceptional place in an exceptional location. A corner of relaxation at the heart of the town. Just take a deep breath – and release.